Lawson Village | 186 Pinehouse Dr., Saskatoon - Lawson Village | 186 Pinehouse Dr., Saskatoon - lokatix rental apartment


Rent with confidence at Lawson Village where safety and security are a top priority! Receive all-inclusive living with SaskTel Internet included.

Location, location, location! Lawson Village is conveniently located 2 blocks from The Mall at Lawson Heights Centre and steps away from the Lawson Civic Centre and Henk Ruys Soccer Facility. Super quick and easy access to Circle Drive and major bus routes.

-24-hour customer service team
-On-site cleaning staf...

Amenities Highlight

Air con

Apartment for rent equipped with a modern air conditioner. Quiet operation and energy efficient.

Service included

Apartment for rent with an efficient heating system, keeping you warm and comfortable throughout the winter season.

High-speed and reliable internet for uninterrupted work and entertainment.

1 649 $ per month

Posted 10 month(s) ago

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