6955 Fielding Ave. | "MTL-QC value-add LP" 6955 Fielding Ave., Montreal - 6955 Fielding Ave. | "MTL-QC value-add LP" 6955 Fielding Ave., Montreal - lokatix rental apartment

6955 Fielding Ave. | "MTL-QC value-add LP" 6955 Fielding Ave., Montreal


Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Ile de Montréal, H4V 2B2


6955 Fielding Ave. | "MTL-QC value-add LP" 6955 Fielding Ave., Montreal

Amenities Highlight

Service included

Apartment for rent with an efficient heating system, keeping you warm and comfortable throughout the winter season.

2 050 $ per month

Posted 26 day(s) ago

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